
With over 10 years' experience in the North West commercial property market, our team has the resources to search and identify the best possible commercial property acquisitions to meet your requirements.

We will help you negotiate the best price and terms, conduct full condition reports and advise on legal documentation, fit out and design.

Letting Services

Letting your property is a serious business, and research suggests that over a period of time, residential property is one of the safest and best performing investments. Not only does it provide an excellent income, but also a significant capital gain in the process. It is, therefore, vitally important that the Landlord chooses a service that fulfils all their requirements.

When considering the levels of service offered by Iris Homes, you should ask yourself:

How much time can I afford to spend in the day-to-day management of my property?

At Iris Homes we appreciate that every Landlord is different, some may have a large portfolio and some will be first time investors. As a result, we have developed three levels of Lettings Services, taking into account the different levels of involvement and risk.

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